The Emergency Fund Queen.

Well, I suppose it’s time to talk about myself.

If you saw me at a party, I’d probably be the one sitting quietly in the corner, observing the scene. I’m not the best talker in a crowd, but get me one-on-one, talking about something I’m passionate about, and you won’t be able to shut me up.

I learned pretty late in life, but not too late, that I’m a classic introvert.

I was born and raised in London to Caribbean parents who immigrated to the UK in the early 1960s. I’m a proud mother of two children, and now, I’m also a doting grandmother. For a while, I was also a foster carer.

Throughout my career, I’ve had the opportunity to work in various fields, including teaching, childcare, social work, and training.

Between 2013 and 2020, I was struck with viral meningitis five times. It was then that I realised that my illness might result in me having to leave my job.

Determined to help others, I decided to become a life coach, and I began my online journey in 2013. I always dreamed of becoming an author, and after recovering from my second bout of viral meningitis in 2012, I sought a mentor to help me write a book.

The following year, with the help of another mentor, in the span of a year, I published 11 Kindle eBooks. In August 2016, after four years of hard work, I published my first physical book, “Record Keeping Made Easy: 7 Steps to Getting More Done with Less Stress for Probation Practitioners.”

Since then, I’ve gained a wealth of experience and knowledge in project managing the publishing of my own books, which I’ve used to help my stepmother publish her first book.

It’s 2023, and I’m thrilled to announce that I have already published five paperback versions of my Kindle eBooks. It was about time to showcase my work together on my website, and I’m excited to have accomplished this goal. I’m passionate about writing and publishing, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me next.

It was through my experience dabbling in the entrepreneurial world that I became interested in personal finance. Facing my own financial problems led me to explore building an online business, but my success with various projects was hit and miss. However, I gained valuable knowledge and skills in many areas.

Over the last five years, I’ve devoted a significant amount of time to improving my financial knowledge. I wish I had known then what I know now. I could have made better decisions.

However, I’ve taken on the mantra of “no shame, no blame” when it comes to my past financial decisions. What’s important is the decisions I make now about my money.

The first and most crucial step I took towards financial security was building an emergency fund.

It was not easy since I started with savings of only £586.61 while still having outstanding debts. But through dedication and discipline, I eventually worked my way up to six months’ worth of expenses – £10,000.

Building an emergency fund not only taught me how to save but also how to prioritise my spending and cut back on unnecessary expenses.

It has given me the peace of mind of knowing that I have financial security to fall back on should I experience an unexpected financial emergency.

Living life with less financial stress and more financial peace is priceless!

So, how can I help you?

I can help you build your own emergency fund of up to £10,000 using my 4E Emergency Fund Engine.

Don’t let unexpected expenses derail your financial goals.

Build a 10K emergency fund with my help and enjoy peace of mind.

Book a FREE strategy session NOW!