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Turn Unused and Unwante...

Now I want you to be honest. Do you have any clothes in your wardrobe that you don’t wear? Any clothes that you don’t wear because they don’t fit you or you just don’t like?  Ok, have you received any gifts that you didn’t like but you’ve kept just because you felt bad about getting […]

Stop Wasting Money on S...

A quick question.  How often do you check your bank statement?  Do you open and read every email? I ask you because if you’re not regularly checking your bank statements and emails – it could be costing you hundreds of pounds. Look I know – when money is tight one of the last things we […]

Why is it hard to talk ...

I want to know why it is so hard to talk about money? It starts from childhood I think. When I think back to growing up what I remember most is my parents telling us kids that money doesn’t grow on trees.  We learned very early that it wasn’t worth asking for the latest gear […]